The Carnegie at Washingtonian Center will offer multiple avenues for its residents to live inspired and engaging lifestyles, including programming that will combine lifelong learning and intergenerational pursuits. Those two concepts appeal to seniors who want to enjoy their retirement years, but who also want to make those years experience-rich, intellectually stimulating and socially engaging. The modern retiree seeks out new adventures and passions in retirement, which can include volunteering, taking up a new hobby or learning new languages.
As a Signature Kisco Senior Living community opening in summer 2024, The Carnegie will support all manner of programming designed to deliver opportunities that the modern retiree will enjoy, including some founded on local community partnerships like The Gaithersburg Book Festival and the Intergenerational Book Club™ with Link Generations. Both of these collaborations are excellent examples of the types of endeavors The Carnegie will employ to provide lifelong learning opportunities and intergenerational connections to its residents. On both fronts, studies reveal positive benefits for seniors – activities based on lifelong learning can help prevent cognitive decline and improve memory, and a study published in the Journal of Applied Gerontology found that intergenerational programs improve physical functioning, mental health, and overall well-being among older adults.
The Festival (as it is known locally) aligns perfectly with The Carnegie’s culturally inspired programming, so the community is honored to be the event’s title sponsor this year. The Festival fosters an artistically rich environment where people of all ages can connect through their love of literature. This year the event will take place on May 20 from 10 am to 6 pm at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg and will feature more than 120 top authors from all over the United States. The Festival was introduced to Gaithersburg in 2010 by its current Mayor Jud Ashman when he was still a council member. It quickly became one of the nation’s top literary events and has become a popular addition to the many activities Gaithersburg hosts year-round. The Carnegie will host a booth at The Festival where attendees can get information about the community and all it will offer when it opens its doors next year.
According to Amanda McPherson, an event representative, The Festival’s mission is to promote conversations around reading, writing and literacy. According to Amanda McPherson, an event representative, “The Festival is free to the public, so everyone is welcome. We offer special programming for kids, book signings with top authors, poetry readings, and writing workshops. There is truly something for everyone, and we’re excited to offer a rich and diverse literary experience again this year.”
The Carnegie’s partnership with The Festival does not stop with the event itself but continues year-round. In collaboration with Link Generations, The Carnegie and The Festival have also created the Intergenerational Book Club™, a program that brings together older adults and students to read, discuss, and share their generational perspectives on various books. The platform allows participants to express their points of view and build meaningful social connections. The book club will also be featured at The Festival and will host a booth where attendees can learn more about this special program.
These community based partnerships are just two of many The Carnegie has formed that work to support creation of a culturally rich environment for its residents that fosters continued growth and positive social engagement. “Our partnership with The Festival is one of the first partnerships we formed, and it has evolved and flourished with the addition of the Intergenerational Book Club,” says Sam Martin, Business Development Director at The Carnegie. “We’re incredibly excited to continue to form productive relationships in Gaithersburg that will help not only our residents but the broader community as well, as demonstrated by both The Festival and the Book Club.”
Join us at The Gaithersburg Book Festival on May 20 to explore the wonderous world of literature and stop by The Carnegie’s booth to learn the details behind our commitment to lifelong learning and inspired senior living.